88th Infantry DIVISION - Blue Devils (Cloverleaf WWI)
Activated 15 Jul 1942 • Entered Combat 27 Feb 1944 • Days of Combat 307 • Casualties 13,111
Commanding Generals
Maj. Gen. John E. Sloan (Jul 42 - Sep 44)
Maj. Gen. Paul W. Kendall (Sep 44 - Jul 45)
Brig. Gen. James C. Fry (Jul 45 - Nov 45)
Rome-Arno (22 Jan 44 - 9 Sep 44)
North Apennines (10 Sep 44 - 4 April 45)
Po Valley (5 Apr 45 - 8 May 45)
This vintage maps charts the journey of the 88th Infantry Division throughout Italy during World War II. This chart can be zoomed in and is available for purchase at HistoryShots.com.
The 88th Infantry Division arrived at Casablanca, French Morocco during November and December 1943. It arrived at Naples, Italy in early February 1944, and concentrated in the Piedmont d'Alife area for combat training. An advance element went into the line before Cassino, 27 February, and the entire unit relieved British elements along the Garigliano River in the Minturno area, 5 March.
A period of defensive patrols and training followed. On 11 May, the 88th drove north to take Spigno, Mount Civita, Itri, Fondi, and Roccagorga, reached Anzio, 29 May, and pursued the enemy into Rome, 4 June, after a stiff engagement on the outskirts of the city. An element of the 88th is credited with being first to enter the Eternal City. After continuing across the Tiber to Bassanelio the 88th retired for rest and training, 11 June. The Division went into defensive positions near Pomerance, 5 July, and launched an attack toward Volterra on the 8th, taking the town the next day. Laiatico fell on the 11th, Villamagna on the 13th, and the Arno River was crossed on the 20th although the enemy resisted bitterly. After a period of rest and training, the Division opened its assault on the Gothic Line, 21 September 1944, and advanced rapidly along the FirenzuolaImola road, taking Mount Battaglia on the 28th. The enemy counterattacked savagely and heavy fighting continued on the line toward the Po Valley. The strategic positions of Mount Grande and Farnetto were taken, 20 and 22 October. From 26 October 1944 to 12 January 1945, the 88th entered a period of defensive patrolling in the Mount Grande-Mount Cerrere sector and the Mount Fano area.
From 24 January to 2 March 1945, the Division defended the Loiano/Livergnano area and after a brief rest returned to the front. The drive to the Po Valley began on 15 April. Monterumici fell on the 17th after an intense barrage and the Po River was crossed, 24 April, as the 88th pursued the enemy toward the Alps. The cities of Verona and Vicenza were captured on the 25th and 28th and the Brenta River was crossed, 30 April. The 88th was driving through the Dolomite Alps toward Innsbruck, Austria, when the hostilities ended on 2 May 1945.
Date Activated is the date the division was activated or inducted into federal service (national guard units).
Casualties are number of killed, wounded in action, captured, and missing.
The dates after the campaign name are the dates of the campaign not of the division.
The Army Almanac: A Book of Facts Concerning the Army of the United States; , U.S. Government Printing Office. Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths in World War II, Final Report, 1 December 1941 - 31 December 1946. US Army Center of Military History at http://www.history.army.mil/ Various divisional histories